
Cwmcarn Primary School

Nurture, Challenge, Inspire

September Class Arrangements

Morning all,

I hope you had a lovely weekend.

On Thursday June 29th we will be having our moving up day in school.

The class arrangements for September are as follows:

Early Years ( Reception and Nursery) - Miss Pyle

Y1 Class - Mrs Seamons

Y2 Class - New teacher to be appointed

Y3/4 - 3 mixed classes with either Mrs Lloyd, Miss Mansell or Mr Lewis

Y5 - Miss Clark

Y6 - Mr Regulski

Class 5 - SNRB Mrs Tomlins

Children moving into Y2 in September will spend the day with Mrs Moyle and will have chance to meet their new teacher once the interview process is complete.

Y6 will be visiting their new schools and the new schools should have sent you information about the day.

More dates will be shared over the coming weeks about parent/carer meetings for new nursery and reception intake.

Many thanks,

Mrs Robbins
