
Cwmcarn Primary School

Nurture, Challenge, Inspire

Internet Safety

Staying safe online is very important, especially as we use the internet more and more.  It's a great way to stay in contact with friends and family and can help with learning.  However, it can also cause harm if not used correctly or safely.  If you ever have any issues online please make sure you talk to a parent or responsible adult such as your teacher.  Help is always available at school if anyone has any issues online.  


Some important things to remember in order to stay safe online;

  • Do not give your name to anyone you don't know
  • Do not give address to anyone you don't know
  • Do not use any sites that you are not old enough to access
  • Do not search for anything that you may think is wrong
  • If something feels wrong online then always talk to an adult / parent / teacher


