
Cwmcarn Primary School

Nurture, Challenge, Inspire

Public Health Wales Vaping Safeguarding Alert


Please see message from Public Health

Vaping Safeguarding Alert: Please be aware

We have had 4 separate incidents involving 5 children who have used a vape and become unwell. It is thought the Vape may contain an illicit drug or toxin as when inhaled the children have become unwell and collapsed. The children received medical attention and support and are now well. At this time the 5 children involved are in the Caerphilly, Newport and Torfaen areas of Gwent. We want all parents and families across Gwent to be aware of this situation and be extra vigilant.

Should any parent be concerned that their child has used a vape containing an illicit drug or toxin, they should call 111 for advice or go to their nearest Emergency Department and report the situation to the police by calling 101.

Kind regards,

Tracy Daszkiewicz, Director for Public Health, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board
