
Cwmcarn Primary School

Nurture, Challenge, Inspire

Please be mindful when collecting children at the end of the day

Good morning all.

Please could we ask parents not to congregate at the main school gate until all of our Base children have left at the end of the school day. It is getting more difficult to get the children into their taxis safely, as more parents are gathering at the entrance.

Class 5 and 5a leave at 3 o’clock, 15 minutes before the rest of the school. This is to avoid crowds and ensure anxiety levels are kept to a minimum.

We are currently in the process of transitioning new children into the classes which will take us up to 16 children.

Some of our children are at flight risk, particularly if they become overwhelmed.

We ask parents kindly, please either stand on the opposite side of the road , further down the pavement or alternatively nearer to 3.15pm.

Thank you for your understanding on this matter.

Mrs Tomlins
